The couch I am sitting on is the couch that my husband got from his sister. The couch is the most comfortable thing I have ever sat on. It is about the size of a twin size bed and when I sit in it I feel like I am going to never be able to get up. I do most of my homework on this couch because I can focus better when I am comfortable. The worst thing about this couch is that it is right in front of the tv. Even though I can resist from watching tv sometimes it is hard. One of those times is right now. My husband is watching "The Interview" and it sounds hilarious. I find it amazing how much of an uproar this movie caused. I would really hate to live in North Korea. But lets get back to how amazing my couch is. Have I said yet that it is very very comfortable??? The pillows need to be updated though because they are a grandma color green with frills all over them. The couch has a matching love seat that only gets used when the kids are here. I also have a rocking chair. All 3 kids would rather climb ontop of eachother and sit on the rocking chair then any other piece of furniture in the room. I do not understand it. If I was there I would enjoy the comfortable couch I am supposed to be writting about. I wonder how I will conitue to write for 3 more minutes about my couch. I bet if I chose a different " I believe" statement I would nto have had any issues writting ten minutes worth of stuff. My husband just got off the couch to go check on the Beef Stew and I must admit the couch is not as comfortable when he is not sitting here with me. Most nights we fall asleep on the couch. It is WAY more comfortable then our bed. I have one more minute to write about my couch and inmy final minute I will write that I will never trade my couch in for a different couch. If the day ever comes when I have to get a new one it will be a very sad day!
Word count is 384
My love!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015
I believe list
- I believe I have the best husband
- I believe dinner will be amazing
- I believe I am a good mother
- I believe I am a good student
- I believe life is amazing
- I believe I am ready for summer
- I believe I can pass this class
- I believe family is the key to happiness
- I believe going without soda for 10 days is a bad idea
- I believe eating healthy is for the best
- I believe my job will not be the death of me
- I believe in God
- I believe nothing is prettier then a sunrise
- I believe James Franco is hilarious
- I believe my couch is very comfortable
- I believe 10 minutes is a long time to list things
- I believe my quit is my favorite blanket
- I believe I would be lost without my sister
- I believe nothing is better then family
- I believe going to school will better my life
- I believe what goes up must come down
- I believe I am NOT ready for my biology test this week
- I believe I can accomplish anything I put my mind to
- I believe the above statement sounded like an after-school special
- I believe my computer is going to die soon
- I believe the sky is blue
- I believe my backyard is not as pretty in the winter
- I believe my house is not the same when the kids are not here
- I believe it is supposed to be the warmest day of the year yet is tomorrow
- I believe chocolate sounds amazing right now
- I believe I have been doing this for ten minutes!
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Typology and Writing
After doing the Jung Typology test I was classified as ENFJ (extroversion intuition feeling judging). In the past I have done test like these before but this is the only test I have taken that describes me perfectly, minus a few thing.
As a student this test described me as the type the student I am, but there were a few things I did not agree with. The biggest thing I do as a student is try and be organized and plan my day out with my studies. The test pointed out that people classified as ENFJ are organized and planned. There were two parts about ENFJ students that I did not agree with. The first was that I require positive reinforcement. While everyone likes hearing "Good Job", I think I have been in the "real world" long enough that rather then hearing "Good Job" I would rather get an A on my homework or a job promotion. The second thing about wanting to study in groups is also not me. While I can learn from others in groups, I always find myself getting more distracted by others and not focusing n my studies as much as I need to be.
The most interesting thing I found was the way I was described as a writing. I have always had issues with using "I" to much in my writing. The test pointed out that it will be one of my biggest issues. I also prefer to write about personal issues rather then non-personal issues. This is exactly what the results of the typology test said as well.
It is amazing that by just answering some questions that an assessment can be made that almost describes me perfectly. This will help me as a writer because I have never really thought of my pros's and con's as a writing other then a few of the items I wrote about in the earlier paragraph. I am planning on taking the information I learned and applying it to my writing. Hopefully it will help me become a better writer!
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