My love!

My love!

Saturday, February 14, 2015


This morning at 5:00am my husband had to leave to go to work. He only works till noon on some Saturdays and usually I just sleep in a little bit then get up and do some homework and housecleaning.  This morning though was not the same as the others. My husband left for work and just as I was going to fall asleep I start hearing birds. Not just one bird but a massive amount and they all just start signing. Now for my Environmental Science class I have to spend at least 30 minutes counting the amount of birds that I see and if I like I could take pictures of them so I will know which type of bird it was. Laying on the couch listening to the birds I decided I might as well use this opportunity to get the bird counting done. I went to get my camera and the batteries were dead. I went to the battery drawer and we were out of batteries. So finally I just took the batteries from the TV and put them in my camera. I slowly sneak outside to take pictures and my camera says "Memory Full". I still had all the pictures from my wedding on them. So I sneak back inside and find a different memory card and again sneak back outside. I kid you not by the time I came back outside I could hear the birds but could not see one! They had all decided to hide in the field behind my house. I was so mad. Standing outside at 5:30am in my pajamas trying to take a picture I looked like a fool. I gave up and went back inside. As soon as I shut the door a bird flew by. I have came to the opinion that birds hate me! Hopefully when my husband gets home we can spend our valentines day afternoon searching for birds.

Happy Valentines day all!

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