My love!

My love!

Friday, February 27, 2015


Technology. It is everywhere. I do not remember the last time I saw someone who did not have a cellphone in their hand or connected to their hip. I am also at fault for this. I use a computer all day at work and have my cell phone right next to me. I am on Facebook numerous times and use my phone to text my hubby at work. After work I usually go online and show things to my husband or talk to my sister. Then I have to use the computer to do homework and research online. Currently my son is on his tablet and it is very hard to get him away from it. He uses it to play games, listen to music, and watch movies.  As a child I had a big ‘ole desk computer in the kitchen that I was only allowed to use now and then. I do not know what I would have done if someone gave me a hand held computer. I probably would never want to put it down, the same way Jordan (my son) believes about his tablet. I guess we, as parents, are to blame for our children being addicted to technology but we want our kids to have more than we do. We want to spoil our kids! I wonder though if we spoil them by giving them all this technology if it will harm them in the long way.  I also wonder how advance the technology our grand kids will be using. I believe we are just one amazing mind away from having flying cars and being able to travel to other planets!

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