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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Know Your Audience

This was one of the most interesting discussions I have ever been apart of. I find it very refreshing and loved the idea of it. I had a hard time coming up with an answer to a few of the questions asked to me. I felt like this discussion not only helped me learn more about my audience but also more about myself.
 I posted the question "When you were a kid what did you want to be when you "grew up"".  From the responses I got I realized that most of the people in my class wanted to do something that helped either other people or other animals. With the world getting worse and worse each generation we need more people that are willing to help others more then ourselves. I also loved the honestly in the answers I got to the question. When April said she "wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader" it defiantly showed me she was not lying! Not very many people will admit to that, especially in Missouri.
The question that gave me more in depths about the audience I am writing to is when Ms. Anthony asked when Ms. Anthony asked "What color is your attitude?". It is easy to tell that most of the people that answered this question took a little bit to think about it first. Katrina responded back to the question and explained why her attitude is grey, I felt like I understood more about her as an audience then I did before I read the post.
As I read the answers to Cody questions "would you consider your beliefs to lean more liberal, conservative, or a libertarian" I was fully expecting to see lots of conservative answers. I was very surprised that a majority of the class did not have an opinion either way. I would have expected most of the people to have an opinion, or at least enough of an opinion to post about it. 
After reading the post's and questions I understand my audience a lot better. I believe the things my audience would find most interesting would be stories that involved traveling overseas, spending time with family and not worrying about politics. . 

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