My love!

My love!

Monday, February 9, 2015

What to blog about?

As I am trying to figure out what to blog about I thought to myself, "Hey why not make a list of what to blog about as a blog." Genius! After doing some research this is my list of the top 15 things that I should blog about. If you reading this whats to use the topics I am OK with that.:)
  1. My amazing husband (if you can blog about how amazing my husband is then we need to talk :) )
  2. The best kids ever
  3. The joys of living in a house verses an apartment
  4. The pains of online schooling!
  5. The best/worst moments of my day
  6.  The most ridiculous thing I have seen on netflix
  7. My day from start to finish 
  8.  Rant about something that really bugs me
  9. Find the funniest you-tube video, share it, and write about it
  10. Take a picture of the sunset I see every night and describe it. 
  11. Talk about one top story on the local news
  12. Explain my biggest pet peeves at work
  13. What do I want to be when I "grow up"
  14. Share with everyone my five year plan!
  15. Explain why I have had my future kids name picked out since I was 8!
  16. Share about my love for Ranch :) 
OK so maybe that is 16 and not 15 but my husband is currently making dinner and of course it involves ranch! I swear Ranch is a food group in our house.

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