My love!

My love!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


This week has been a little crazier for me than most. I ended up completely forgetting about doing my reading notes. I have the hardest type taking notes. I feel like I either take notes that are not detailed enough or I end up re-writing the whole book. My teacher had an example of a certain note taking technique but I could not seem to understand it. I felt like I would have to have handwritten my notes then scanned them in when I got to work. This just seemed like way to much extra work. Plus I type faster than I write. I had to read 5 different articles this week and then part of a book. Well I believe it was five different articles but I cannot seem to remember exactly how many it was.  I ended up with 8 pages of single spaced bulletin style notes. I bet my teacher is going to open it up and then close it again. She will probably wait for a rainy day to read all the notes. I have not gotten as much feedback as I would like for this class so I really hope I am doing the notes part right. I also have no idea if I am doing this blog correct. I just decided to write about whatever comes to my mind or what I am working at for school. I try to put it a funny story or a review here and there but I have no idea if that is even allowed. I wonder if I would have taken the class at the actual college if I would have feedback sooner. Oh well, cannot change the past so no need to worry or think about “what if’s”  One more week down after today and too many more weeks to count to go!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angela,

    I am also struggling with the notes. I have mine set up like a chart, with the title of each article on one side, then a column for "Personal Connection" and "How to Use in Writing". I'm not sure that's what she's wanting, because we haven't received feedback or grades on any of our reading notes, and it's really stressing me out. I hope that changes soon.

    Good luck with the remaining weeks!!
