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My love!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday the 13th

Halfway through my work day today I was asked if I knew what day today was. Of course I did, its Friday! Friday’s are the best day of the week for me. I get to be off work and enjoy the weekend with my hubby! I was informed that I was incorrect, well halfway incorrect. It was actually Friday the 13th and the most unlucky day ever. Everyone says it’s a day of bad luck but I have never really figured out why it became that way. I met some people when I worked as a server who refused to leave their house on Friday the 13th.  So I decided to do some research. One story of is there was 13 people surrounding Jesus during the last supper which was on a Thursday. The following day was a Friday and that was the day Jesus was crucified. I believe that story is a little far fetch but I can understand why people would think that. Apparently in the 19th century people thought that 13 was an unlucky number and Fridays were also the unlucky day of the week. , Gioachino Roussini was one who believed in that and he ended up passing away on Friday the 13th. I think this just reassured everyone fears about Friday the 13th.  Believe it or not but Friday the 13th is only a superstition in America but other countries have dates they consider "unlucky". Tuesday the 13th is unlucky in both Greek and Hispanic cultures. While in Italy Friday the 17th is unlucky. I find it amazing that there are people who actually believe a certain day or number is unlucky. I have never been part of that belief but I will admit when I see a black cat cross my path I get goosebumps. There is just something creepy about black cats!


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